Saturday, October 25, 2008

ASU vs. Oregon

"Devil Walk" before the game...(waiting for the team)
(Coach Erickson)

(Garrett looking for Rudy...he's right in front of him!)

(Keegan Herring)

After the Devil Walk...we got to meet the Men's ASU Basketball Team!

James Harden and Jeff Pendergraph!

Excited for 2008!

(Dinner at the Chuckbox before the game, as usual)

(Grandson Max,Cole/Friend, Garrett, Missy & Dylan)

And unfortunately...a loss for ASU.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

ASU @ Cal Road Trip

Me, Tiffany (Daughter) & Spencer (Son in Law) at the
Golden Gate Bridge!
My Son Ryan
We all went to Ghiradelli Chocolates...

The famous "Big D" (Dennis Dairman) and his wife Charlotte...

The gang before the GAME...(My wife Pam came along for the fun!)

After the game (we lost)...we waited for the Players to come out...

Keegan is always smiling.Grandma had to meet Rudy...he was a good sport!

Although a win would have made the trip better, it was a great time!

Go Devils!